Cross Stitch
I’ve finished all the cross stitches and half cross stitches on my Badger, now to start the decorative touches: the backstitch and the french knots. It’s only 11 x 8cm but it’s on 18 count Aida so that’s still quite a lot of stitches.

I like how the half cross stitches are used to form the background but that’s either a very small badger or really big flowers.
Follow Your Arrow
I’d nearly finished Clue 4 of my Follow Your Arrow, but then I realised that I’d missed some plain rows and so I’m trying to work out the easiest way to fix that before going onto clue 5. I’ve done all Clue As so far so I’m thinking I might continue in that tradition.

Blocking is going to be interesting, as it isn’t a standard shape, but the pictures of finished shawls in the Ravelry thread all look great.
Everything Else
I’m up to the armpits on my tetris cardigan and have started one of the sleeves. The long expanses of stocking stitch in 4ply is slow going, even on such a tiny garment.
I got some of Eden Cottage’s new Millburn 4ply in the post this morning in blue and grey and I’m looking forward to seeing how that knits up. I have plans for some colourwork, probably fingerless mitts, which I think will work well in this yarn.